Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"we can always blog about it"

Q: How do you know when you’re browsing way too many blogs?
A: It’s when you finally go back to yours and then telling yourself, “shirtz, my writing is crap!”

I was going through Pao’s blog (I miss you Pao!) and then I clicked on a link to another blog that had a link to another one and so on and so forth…until I came upon a blog that I have to admit is very entertaining (minus all the swearing and vulgar language of course). It amazes me how well some people can write and it’s always surprising to read what goes through their heads. It reminds me of the advertisement on TV with the tag line – “Thankfully we don’t always say what’s on our minds” and I kinda feel like adding “but we can always blog about it!”

It’s fun reading someone else’s post and then finding yourself smiling and nodding in agreement or moving your head from side to side thinking, “I know how that feels!” or “You’re absolutely right” or “Haha! Funny! I can’t believe you said that!” followed by a big sigh. It's also fun to see what other people's blog title says or their blog descriptions. Why can't I be that creative? Some people are so creative and have such talent when it comes to writing that it makes you stop and wonder what it would be like if they wrote a book or had their stuff published.


Marieseda said...

I know exactly what you're saying!

"You’re absolutely right”

k a r e n said...

Haha! hey, i found a timer for you!