Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

I finally saw the Time Traveller’s Wife two weeks ago with Steve and my sister-in-law. I thought it was great! Very well done and stayed close to the book. Obviously there were some scenes in the book that didn’t make it to the big screen but nothing that you’d miss. I loved the cast (I think Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana were awesome for their roles) and the chemistry was believable to me.

I often get disappointed with books turned into movies because I always feel like it’s not even half as good as the book itself. But I wasn’t disappointed with this one. I really, really enjoyed watching it. I even cried twice! I thought I’d be immune to it, knowing the story already and everything. But man, it was good.

I am going to buy the DVD when it comes out. It’s def going to be a part of my Sappy DVD collection.


jen said...

Good that you liked it, I didn't though. :( I thought that the two characters doesn't really have a good chemistry and I don't know, I felt that something was missing from the movie. I had low expectations already knowing the track record of books turned into movies and yet I was still a bit disappointed. :(

k a r e n said...

aww.. really?

That's too bad.. I had my doubts about the chemistry prior to seeing the movie too but I thought it worked when I saw it. =)

white said...

some people i know liked the movie and they really recommend it. i have yet to watch it though (screening's finished here in phil.)

k a r e n said...

Ya, you def need to see the movie! It's too bad the screening's done but I'm sure it will be out on DVD sooner or later. How long does it usually take for the DVD to become available in the Phils? I don't remember anymore eh.

Here in Canada, it usually only takes a few months.. sometimes nga feeling ko kakatapos lang sa sinehan, nasa DVD na agad.