Friday, September 28, 2007


I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last post. I’ve been so swamped at work and too tired at the end of the day to even think about posting.

So what’s been up since my last post? I went to Calgary on business and stayed there for 4 days. I didn’t really want to go but I didn’t really have a choice either. I mean, how do you say “No, I don’t want to go” to the president of the company, right? At least I was happy about 3 things:

  • I got to fly business class to and from Calgary (my first time!)
  • I got to take Friday off work with pay and didn’t count as a vacation day
  • The clients were pretty nice to me and it was an easy trip altogether

I wanted to go around downtown while I was there but I’ve been told almost eveything downtown closes at 6pm so I spent most of my time walking around the surrounding area of the hotel I was staying at.

I’m also relieved that I am no longer doing the majority of the training sessions since I have my hands full on manual writing and QA. Not that it’s been scratched off completely from my responsibilities but at least I’m not training every single day. It gets really tiring after a while.

The weather has been pretty nice. Normally, it’s a little cold already during this time of the year but it’s still a bit warm for this month which is a bit surprising to me. Not that I’m complaining… you know I love the warm weather.

Another thing, I turned 24 this month! Wahoo! Golly, the years just fly by! It was a simple b-day. Had lunch with Steve’s family that Saturday and then lunch with my family on Sunday both at the Danforth. Steve and I were saying how we are truly “all-danforthed” out! We can’t help it though because the food is always great and the patios are nice. You get to eat and sip a cold drink and just watch people walk by and enjoy a bit of sun. It’s just a bit of a hassle going to and from since traffic is a bit of a killer.

3 people in our office have gotten married this month. There must have been an office memo I missed requiring all single people to marry by this year. LOL!

I’ve been doing a lot better when it comes to managing my finances. I am proud to say I have been able to spend less and actually put aside money on my savings account. Yay! This is a big deal since I really, really need to start saving as much as I can.

That’s that… now back to work. Eck!

1 comment:

Sara said...

belated Happy Birthday, Karen! Wow, you're only 24?? Did you get accelerated in school or something? :D I turn 27 this year and we're supposed to be in the same batch before I moved here in the U.S.! Wow, that means, I'm OLD!

Anyway, glad you enjoyed your day :)