Monday, October 01, 2007

What would you choose?

If you could choose how you’re going to die, what would you choose? Die a sudden death which is both quick and painless or die with a terminal illness which is slow and could potentially be painful?

Most people I ask would say they’d rather die quick and painless. Very few would actually choose the latter. I can certainly understand why people would want a quick death… I mean, who’d want a slow, painful transition right?

But then when you think about it, both options have their own pros and cons. Although quick is most often painless, it is also so sudden. No opportunity to say your last goodbyes, no opportunity to make things right and no opportunity to tell your loved ones how much you love them. Someone did tell me he’d rather die all of sudden in all his health so people will remember him in his “good” state instead of leaving behind a memory of him detoriating.

Although it seems pretty crazy to want to die slowly and potentially painful, it does have its own pros to it. You’d probably detoriate right before your loved ones eyes and probably go through a lot of difficulty but at least you have a bit of time to say goodbye to those who are dear to you. At least you get a chance to tell the people you care for that you love them. The bottomline is that you get an opportunity to “take care” of things before you go.

What would I choose? Right now, I’m leaning towards the latter. I want to be able to say goodbye. I want to be able to tell the people I care for how much I love them. I want to make sure that the people I leave behind will be ok.

Of course, God still has the final say regardless of what I choose. I just pray that both me and my loved ones will be ok.

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