Monday, October 22, 2007

The Life Survey (from Bom)


01. Have you ever really cried your heart out?
~ Yes… and so many times

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
~ Almost all the time. I usually end up falling asleep when I cry.

03. Have you ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
~ Rarely but I can think of a couple of occasions.

04. Do you cry when you get an injury?
~ Not really too much but there are times when I do.


01. Are you a happy person?
~ Most of the time

02. What makes you happy?
~ Simple things… my loved ones, Steve, a good movie, a favorite song, great friends, blessings, a free parking spot... the good little things in life.

03. Is being happy overrated?
~ Never. It might not be necessary but it sure is important.

04. Can music make you happy?
~ It helps.


01. How many times have you had your heart broken?
~ A lot… not just with relationships but disappointments too.

02. Anyone besides your friends/family ever said they loved you?
~ Yes.

03. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
~ Yes, all the time.


01. Who do you actually hate?
~ Hate is such a strong word. There are a few people that come to mind although I don’t know if I actually hate them or if it’s just dislike.

02. Have you ever made a hit list?
~ I think I thought about it once. Not that I intend on doing anything about it but I always imagined that if I had special powers, I would show them! Hahahaha!

03. Are you a mean bully?
~ Nope.

04. Have you ever been on a hit list?
~ Maybe?


01. Are you happy with yourself?
~ I’m ok with who I am. There are times when I get a little self-conscious but everyday I learn a little bit more about myself and there are things that I realize I can and cannot do and come to terms with it.

02. Do you wish you could be someone else?
~ Sometimes…not so much to be them, but just being able to do the things they do, be where they are or have what they have.


Marieseda said...


Where'd you get the survey from? I think my answers would be pretty similar to yours. The one exception being I'm positive that my name has appeared on more then one hit list ;p

Marieseda said...


What's with the alter-ego blogs?

One just wasn't enough?

k a r e n said...

I got the survey from a friend's blog... you know what they say, great minds think alike (wink wink)

I have my wordpress blog because some people prefer viewing that one and it also allows me to study how it works compared to blogger. My multiply site allows me to post music and pictures (like Friendster or Facebook) but it has an option to automatically import from Blogger so why not use it, right? LOL... ok, i'm a geek.