Thursday, April 06, 2006

Primary Reason :: Stress Reliever

Brand new blog!! Keep note I am new to this whole blogging craze..
Primary Reason:: Need Stress Reliever

So hello world! I am but a tiny voice in a multitude of people.

I've had a headache since this morning and I have no idea why..I had to adjust the contrast of my pc in the hopes of easing the pain a bit. Too bad I'm currently at work and can't just simply step away. As I write I can hear "customizable fields...module..quick look up..launch the web page".. getting bored..

I'm glad it's finally spring!! I have never loved the sun as much as when I moved to Canada where it's cold for most parts of the year. A little sunshine makes such a difference. I've always loved warm climates where you can go swimming at anytime of the year, where you don't have to worry how many layers of clothing you have to wear, where everything's green all the time.. it's amazing what the weather can do to a person's mood. I must admit I feel so much better when the sun is out and the temperature's warmer. I dunno but everyone seems to also be a lot nicer.

I miss my friends from back home.. I can't believe how fast time flies. I was talking to shey the other day and we were talking about how it seems like y'day we had just graduated. I remember sitting beside her in class and writing notes on a piece of handout to keep ourselves entertained. Really early in the morning and after lunch are always the hardest times of the day to keep oneself up. But having close friends sit beside you in class is always helpful. =p

A quote I came across:

Probably the difference between man and the monkeys is that the monkeys are merely bored, while man has boredom plus imagination.

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