Thursday, July 06, 2006

Another Day, Another Dollar

Thursday. It seems the days are going by slowly. I had a hard time getting up again this morning…I would have loved to sleep some more. I don’t know why but my bed seems softer in the morning just when I’m struggling to get out of bed. It’s as if to tease me. No matter how hard I wish that I don’t have to go to work or that time would freeze, it’s all to no avail. If I decide to lay still and do nothing, I would end up being late for work. So naturally, I had to get up, turn off my nightlight, turn on my bedroom lights, get my clothes from my closet, turn off my cellphone and ipod chargers, and go to the bathroom to take a bath. All these with my eyes half closed. As I enter the bathroom, I take a glance at myself in the mirror hoping I don’t look as dishiveled as I feel. Thank God, everything looks fine. I then proceed to take a shower… it wakes me up.

I think about the things I need to do for the day as I bathe. Sometimes I’ll get caught daydreaming while bathing and end up taking longer. My mom would knock at the bathroom door every morning to tell me she’s leaving for work. If it’s going to rain later that day, she’ll remind me to bring an umbrella. She’s the sweetest mom in the world and I love her so much. We celebrated her birthday last night at the Mandarin downtown. Jerry came and celebrated with my family. It was really good and I had a great time.

I have a morning ritual I follow every morning. If I miss one thing, that’s how I know how tired or sleepy I really am. While drying my hair this morning, I am reminded that a trip to the salon is becoming all the more necessary. I brought some hair clips and elastics with me just in case it becomes unbearable during the day. Sometimes, I end up leaving the house late simply because I had a hard time deciding what to wear. Thankfully, I didn’t dilly dally this morning so I made it to the bus stop on time.

I grabbed a copy of 24 while waiting for the bus and proceeded to read it on the way to the subway station. I was able to get a good seat on the train and I slept all the way. I couldn’t help it, I was sleepy and the ride was boring. I usually have my ipod on so I have some music and partly to suss out annoying passengers who seem to think the entire train needs to hear their conversation. Having my ipod on also sends the message, “I’m not in the mood to talk and would really rather be left alone… let me enjoy the ride in peace”. I’m friendly but I feel very uncomfortable talking to strangers.

I finally get to work, drop my things off at my desk, and turn on my pc while saying hi to Steve and a few people around me. I talk to them for a few minutes while checking my e-mail and hoping nothing urgent or disastrous has come up. Afterwards, I walk to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I then return to my desk and begin another work day.

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