Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Tired.

Sometimes I am still taken aback by people’s inability to read and follow simple instructions. I begin to wonder if the person’s (a) just busy, (b) confused, (c) slow, or (d) inept.

I’ve had a rough day at work today. Come to think of it, I’ve been a bit unhappy at work lately. To be honest, I just feel unappreciated and taken for granted. It just feels like the longer I stay with the company, the more unhealthy it’s becoming. I love working with Steve – he’s great and he’s probably one of the few things I love about my job. Aside from the paycheque that pays the bills and helps us afford a few things, he’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed for as long as I have with the company I work for. But everything else that surrounds us is becoming more and more unbearable as time goes by. I don’t know if it’s because we’re getting busier by the day and everyone’s stressed out and have the tendency to take it out on others. I’d like to believe the when all the stress-inducing factors go away, people would be less edgy and there would be less tension around the office. But I know the problems go deeper than that. It seems like every day, Steve and I have to talk each other into staying on the job. We both know it makes sense to stay for now... but there are days when we’d love to just hand in our resignation papers and walk out the door. Sometimes when I am so frustrated, I daydream about winning the lottery and being so stinking wealthy that I wouldn’t have to take BS from anyone anymore. That lottery ticket would be the slap in the face I am dreaming of giving them.

On the other hand, I can’t help but also be grateful that I am employed... that we are both employed. I watch the news and read about the lives of those affected by the recession and I feel extremely guilty for even complaining about my circumstances. By their standards, I have no right to complain. And to be honest, at the end of the day, I think to myself that it is better to have a job that I somewhat hate but pays the bills than having no job and worrying about where the money is going to come from. Despite all my work-related frustrations, I do feel blessed to have what I’ve been given.

I guess I’m just venting. It’s almost midnight and I’m tired. I am thinking of the things I need to do tomorrow as soon as I get to work. I am thinking of the little spat I had with one of my managers. I am thinking of all the things I need to follow up on and trying to prioritize my tasks so that nothing false through the cracks. I am trying not to screw up. I am trying.


jen said...

I can totally relate. Sometimes I also ask myself why I stay on my current job when it's very clear to me that i'm not enjoying it anymore. Especially when customers treats us like crap just because they can and not necessarily because they know better than us. Then i'd realize that i'm lucky because I still have a job when others don't, especially with the recession.

But then again, until when should I stick to it? I don't want to reach the point when i'd be so unhappy with my job that I'd practically have to drag myself to go to work everyday. I'd hate to do that to myself again.

Jela said...

Ah, the agonies of being employed. I've only been in my job for almost 6 months and already feeling the itch to hand in my resignation as well. :) It would really, really be a good life if we are our own bosses and not take crap from other people. :(

Eper said...

All I can say is, that's life. We have our good days and we have our bad. My wish is you have more of the former to get you through the later :)

Hang in there! Tomorrow is a brand new day :)