Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Holidays in Virginia

I spent the last few months looking forward to our trip to Virginia and I can’t believe it’s all over now. Ang bilis talaga lumipas ng panahon.

The drive to and from Virginia took 12 hours and I managed to stay awake during the entire drive there but I slept during the drive back. We were worried because our car hasn’t been running well lately and we didn’t know if the car would make it. We held our breaths as we drove through the Appalachian Mountains. Getting stuck in the middle of nowhere would have been catastrophic. Thankfully, the car survived the drive and we didn’t experience any car trouble during the entire trip. We even made it back to Toronto just fine and dandy.

It was nice being able to see my relatives again. It’s been a while since we’ve had a big family reunion like it. Although we still weren’t complete (we were missing one family and my dad wasn’t able to come because he had to work), it was still just as enjoyable. I finally got to meet my nephew – Aiden (who’s over a year old) and my new niece – Jacqueline (who’s about 6 months old). I’ve only seen them in pictures and I was really excited to meet them. I was also happy to see my other nephews (Chris and Cjem) and my niece (Charis) who I haven’t seen since May of 2008 (or was it 2007?). I always have to remind myself that Alicia (who is 2 years old) is my cousin and not my niece. It never fails to surprise me to see how fast they’re growing. I swear they grow an inch by the minute. The last time I saw Alicia, she had already started talking but she was so shy that she’d burst into tears whenever someone looked at her. But when we walked in the door at my aunt’s house in Virginia the night we arrived, the first person to greet us was cute, little Alicia with her squeaky little voice. A very high-pitched “Hi Tita” and “Hi Tito”. I couldn’t believe how tall she’s grown and how social she is now. She’s still a bit shy but she’s very cheerful, very friendly and very polite. I can go on and on and on about how adorable the little ones are! Aiden’s charming smile, Jacqueline’s chubby cheeks... so cute!

While we were there, we visited the Smithsonian museums (the Natural History and National Air and Space Museums – both located in Washington DC which was about 20 to 30 minutes away from where my relatives lived). We were quite impressed with the museums... all very big and free! Yup, no admission fees (which was awesome by the way)! I went shopping with my cousins a few times while Steve and my brothers visited the different monuments in Washington DC like the Lincoln Memorial, the White House, etc.

We played a board game one evening which was total chaos because we were all laughing so hard and it was really fun because our aunts and uncles joined the game too. We played a bit of Scrabble too so our lola can join (the other game was too fast and chaotic for her). It was quite cute watching everyone play and just have fun. The entire clan seems to enjoy playing board games. As far as I can remember, we’ve always either played cards or a board game whenever we’d get together for reunions or birthdays or holidays in the Philippines. It was always either a game or watching the Sound of Music. Hahaha

I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad going back to Toronto. Sure I missed home and my routine but it was nice being able to spend time with my relatives. I can’t help but envy how close they live to each other (generally between 15 to 30 minutes apart). They can easily come over to each other’s houses for lunch or dinner or they can meet up and go shopping together if they wanted to.

The trip was a bit exhausting because we slept at 2 am and woke up at 6 am almost every morning the entire time we were there... but I have to say, it was all worth it. I would go back and visit again in a heart beat.

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