Thursday, August 24, 2006

I am afraid of getting old

I am afraid of getting old.

I am scared to wake up one day and find physical limitations due to my age. Can't run, can't eat certain foods, can't go anywhere without someone with me, can't hear well, can't see well..ugh. I also wonder what I will look like with wrinkled skin, thinning hair, a little bent over pehaps? But most of all I am scared of being left behind by the world. I'm scared of getting old and spending day by day at home and doing nothing. I can't just buy anything anymore kasi di na babagay. I don't want my kids or grand children to think that I don't understand the ways of the world anymore and that I am obsolete.

But you know what? Maybe when I get to that age, all the things I worry about now may not be as important to me anymore. I'll prolly be much wiser (I hope so) and less concerned about mundane things.

I just hope that when I look back at my life, I'll have no regrets and that I can tell myself I've lived my life to the fullest. With that thought, maybe getting old will be more bearable and hopefully not as bad as I think it is.

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