Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Swiped from Bom (again)

Name: Karen
Age according to your birth certificate: 24
Age you really think you are: At times 7, sometimes 16 and sometimes, surprisingly 24.

1) What are 5 things you really like about yourself?
- I can be very sweet
- I’m very easy going
- I give everything my best shot or at the very least try to
- When I love someone, I show them
- I have really good memory

2) What is one accomplishment you are really proud of that you can't ever write down in your resume?
- Tough one... the only thing I can think of right now is the fact that I went on all the slides at Splash Island even when my brothers wouldn’t go

3) If you could live a secret life, what kind of secret life would you live?
- A superhero or a secret agent

4) What is the loveliest thing someone's told you lately?
- “I actually think I sleep better when you’re beside me...” (awwww)

5) What is the most supreme act of kindness ever shown to you?
- I can’t single out an act of kindness because when I think about it, they’re all equally dear to me.

6) What is your inner child wearing right now?
- a simple, pink dress

7) Describe the very moment you first fell in love.
- I don’t think falling in love comes instantly.. at least not for me. I fell in love gradually so there is no one exact “moment”. But it felt exciting and scary at the same time when the realization hit me.

8) Describe your favourite person without using any adjectives.
- A blessing

9) Complete the sentence on your future headstone: "Here lies...."
- a daughter, wife, mother and friend who lived and loved well.

10) What movie character would you love to play?
- Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates (because it’s nice to be loved so much and be reminded of it even if I forget), Ziyi Zhang in House of the Flying Daggers (she kicks ass in this one..haha), Keanu Reeves in the Matrix (need I say more?)

11) Describe your perfect birthday cake.
- The sansrival cake my lola used to make for me when I was little. YUMMY!

12) A stadium of people are clapping for you and giving you a standing ovation. What did you just do to deserve this?
- I just gave a really inspiring and moving speech

The lucky 13 question: If you were a musical instrument, what instrument would you be and how would you like to be played?
- A cello... gentle but firm strokes that plays really moving music.

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