Friday, October 24, 2008


Life just seems to so darn ironic sometimes...

  • Whenever I have an appointment and I have to be somewhere for a specific time, I always feel as though public transit hatches this elaborate plan to make me late. Either the buses will be late or it will be driven by a driver who is moving at 40 kph (a person on rollerblades would probably be faster!). As if the slow moving buses aren’t enough of a nuisance already, there seems to always be someone getting off at EVERY ‘effin stop. So my usual bus ride of 10-15 minutes ends up taking twice as long! The trains will suddenly malfunction or some mechanical failure occurs and I’m stuck in a train in the middle of a tunnel. AND every person surrounding me seems to be moving at a much slower pace! There’s always someone either blocking my way or suddenly stopping at the top of the escalators as soon as they get off. Absolutely annoying.

  • I always have plenty of change. In fact, too much that I find myself occasionally moving them to a different coin purse because they don’t fit in my wallet anymore. BUT ironically, the one time I actually need change is the one time I don’t have even a single penny with me.

  • When I need a dress, a pair of jeans or shoes and I have the cash to spend, I can never find anything nice in the mall. When I don’t need it or when I don’t have the cash to spend, they’re everywhere… left, right and center.

  • The one person I hope I don’t have to sit next to on the bus ironically chooses to sit beside me despite the many empty chairs.

  • We have central heat in our condo which means that it is up to the super to turn on the heat during the cold months and turn it off during summer. Guess what? He keeps it off during the cool months and decides to turn it on as soon as the temperature warms up.

  • When my calendar at work isn’t too hectic, none of our clients want training. They don’t even call or email. It’s just dead silent. BUT when I am swamped and my calendar is full and I barely have time to do anything, every client will call to ask for training or have some stupid question.

  • We had a warm, sunny and beautiful summer. Too bad the weather was perfect during the weekdays when we had to be at work, trapped at our desks. But that’s not what’s ironic about it… the irony is that as soon as the weekend comes, it starts raining and it keeps raining until the weekend is over.


N said...

hi Karen. Everything seems to stop? Maybe it's a sign to slow down a little bit. I have experienced that. Slow down kar...:)

k a r e n said...

LOL thanks White!

I need a vacation!! Get away from it all. =P

Anonymous said...

Those are so true. :)