Monday, November 03, 2008

Winter Fret.

It’s the cold season again and we’ve reverted back to Standard time. It’s quite depressing to know that the cold will only get worse from here and that the next few months will be spent wearing thick winter jackets, layers of clothing and boots. For those who enjoy the cool months, they are happily buying all sorts of winter gear, eager to see snow and go skiing up North. I on the other hand, am moping around, bracing myself for snow storms and time spent walking outside in the cold or waiting at the bus stop. I am no friend of winter.

I don’t get it… the fascination about winter I mean. I am honestly surprised every time I talk to someone who looks forward to the winter months and enjoys the cold weather. The conversation usually goes something like this…

Me: “I can’t believe it’s almost winter again… can you believe how cold it’s gotten in the last few days?”

Other Person: “Yeah… I know! I’m glad it’s getting cooler… I like the winter…”

Me (obviously baffled out of my wits): “REALLY?! You like the winter?! But WHY?!” (I’m not kidding… I even say it while whining… even when I am talking to clients).

And I proceed to go on as to why I think Winter should be abolished... it’s so cold, there’s too much snow, we have to walk in the slush, it’s cold, boots are expensive, the subway goes down a lot, it’s cold!!

Maybe I shouldn’t say that I want to abolish winter because I am being unfair to all the creatures that need winter to survive like the Polar bears and penguins. And I am against Global warming and I am all for protecting the environment and making sure the cold areas stay cold and the icebergs are intact and all that. But still… it is really, really cold! And uncomfortable! And awfully wet! And just really such a hassle!

I think I have difficulty understanding why others like the winter because I am not one of those people who grew up having four seasons. I grew up in the country where it is hot and humid all year long. I like the warmth. I like being able to go out in summer clothing and just being able to wear anything I want. I love being able to take walks and sit in a patio and go swimming. I love everything that comes with the summer. I may not be a big fan of humidity but I prefer it over flurries and cold, strong winds. I would rather by lying in a beach somewhere than be rolling in the snow.

As soon as autumn comes, I succumb to whining about why we even have to have winter. Or why we chose to move to a country that is cold almost all the time. I’ve tried to immerse myself in a bit of winter activity to help me appreciate the season… like ice-skating (which ended up with me leaving a scar on Steve’s shin) and tobogganing (which left me with a big head-ache and flu-like symptoms).

I haven’t tried skiing yet but my co-workers have heard me complain so much about the cold that they’ve pretty much agreed that I would not enjoy skiing because it is cold and wet and really difficult. I would like to try it sometime though. Just so I can say I’ve given it a try. And then maybe I can complain more after.

But yeah, this is me whining again about the winter that I can't seem to like.

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