Monday, November 03, 2008

Crickets in a Box

Last weekend, Steve and I and a couple of friends went out for dinner and a movie. Somewhere between dinner and the movie, we passed by a candy store that sold a variety of treats. Steve’s cousin gets really excited every time he goes into a candy store and proceeds to grab whatever he finds interesting. He is 25 years old.

Don’t get me wrong, I like candy too. Just not all candies. There are certain types I love and then there are those which I am not too crazy about. Take chocolate mints for example. Steve thinks they’re great and I think they’re disgusting. Mint and chocolate shouldn’t mix in my opinion. But that’s just me.

I enjoy going to candy stores because it is full of candy after all. But it’s also a place where I will most likely find a candy brand that was popular back in the day and probably is hard to find. I also like the non-candy items that are either wacky or weird. Like weird-looking stress balls, or glow in the dark stuff, or things you press or squeeze that make weird noises. Believe it or not, among the things we found in this candy store are panties and thongs made entirely out of candy (they’re totally wearable too!), a miniature mega-phone that is “guaranteed to get the b*llsh*t out of you”, a fake clock that runs backwards, a few drinking games and the weirdest one I found – a snack that is made out of crickets! Yes, crickets! In a box! Real, tiny crickets with bacon and cheese flavoring! I thought it was fake but when we checked out the ingredients and after talking to the store owner, we found out they were really crickets. No joke!

I was really tempted to buy it just so I can show it around. It is interesting after all. And really disgusting. The only thing that stopped me from buying its price. I wasn’t willing to spend that much money for a box of snack crickets no matter how interesting it may be.

So the next time you go to a candy store, keep your eye out for crickets!


MakMak said...

Chocolate + mint = NO! Haha.
Miss your writings K.

k a r e n said...

Hahaha! I guess we are on the same page when it comes to Chocolate mints! =P

Thanks for being so patient.. always checking in on me even though I haven't posted in awhile!

Anonymous said...

What is the taste of chocolate mint? Im just curios

Anonymous said...

Uugghh. Live Crickets? In a Candy store?

k a r e n said...

Hi Johnlazy! Thanks for dropping by..

Hmmm...chocolate mint basically tastes like mint but since it's coated in chocolate, you get a mix of sweet and minty. I don't like it but maybe you might if you gave it a try. =P

k a r e n said...

Hi Gigi!

Yep, believe it or not, there are real cricket snacks in a candy store. I actually passed by another candy store yesterday and they had the crickets too. BUT they also had real larvae snacks. YUCK!