Thursday, July 05, 2007

Two Left Feet

Sometimes I will be listening to a really upbeat song on my iPod or in the car with Steve and I’ll start moving to the song, forgetting that I’m not alone and other people are probably looking at me thinking I’m crazy.

I would often realize what I am doing after a few minutes, start looking around to see if anyone is looking and blush a bit in embarassment. Just the other day, while waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green, I started moving to a song I was listening to. By the time I realized I probably looked like a fool, this guy in a car was looking at me with an expression I can’t quite read. I was so embarassed that I crossed the road in a hurry and rushed inside our condo.

Last night, Steve was driving me home and the radio started playing The Way I Are and I started moving to it and Steve looked at me and laughed. It was a bit embarassing but what could I do? I had to laugh.

I love to dance but I don’t think I’m very good at it. In fact, I do most of my dancing in my bedroom where no one else can see. Even when I go out with others to a club or a party, I hesitate to dance. I always get very self-conscious and I try to hide behind the really good dancers. I know, I should just let go and try to have fun with it.


Marieseda said...

I do the same, but even worse I'll start to sing. There's nothing like walking to work belting out some Jagged Edge tune only to realize I'm not quite as alone as I originally thought. If my singing wasn't as bad as it is, it wouldn't be so embarassing. There is almost never anyone near (because no one is yet awake) when I walk to work, however, that one time I slip and start singing along, there's always a crowd.

k a r e n said...


I know what you mean!