Monday, June 08, 2009

Furniture and Decor

Among the many new and exciting experiences of being married is picking out furniture and decorating our apartment. We live in a 2-bedroom apartment with a balcony in a quiet neighbourhood amidst beautiful, big houses. I have to say that it’s both inspiring and depressing living around big homes. Inspiring because it motivates me to do well in my career so that one day, hopefully, we too could live in a decent-sized house. Maybe not as big as the ones around us, but one that can fit a family. But like I said it’s also depressing at times because I can’t help but wonder if we’re ever going to get there. I can’t help but envy the people who own those houses. I always tend to wonder about what do they do for a living, how they can afford such luxuries and wishing that us, too, could afford the fancier things in life someday.

Anyhow, I find furniture shopping somewhat addictive. I get so giddy knowing that we’re going to go see a furniture store. I can’t wait to see what they’ll have and what new ideas it will give me. It’s always fun even when we’re just looking because it give us as glimpse of what we could do with our place. New ideas about what color to paint the room, how to arrange our furniture, little trinkets that could spice up our little space and so on. I’m always amazed at how talented other people are at putting things together especially when they combine different colors in a room. A purple couch with green pillows and a pink paisley rug?! Who knew it could look so good?!

I keep seeing different kinds of color schemes and they all look so good when put together that it’s beginning to confuse me. One day I want red, the next it’s green and then white and then blue... Eck! So many color combinations to choose from, so many different ideas! I almost want to try them all just to see which one we’ll like the best. That’s not a very practical thing to do, of course, but it would be fun.

There are still a few big items we need to purchase for our living room but buying furniture is no joke. It costs a lot of money and even when you don’t think it’s a lot, it IS a LOT. I am always surprised when it comes to paying for it. “Huuwaaat?! It’s THAT much?!” We are also thinking of painting and it’s always a question of when do we paint and what color to paint our rooms with. But as Steve keeps reminding me, Rome wasn’t conquered in a day. So I think we’ll take our time and continue to look around and save up until we find something we absolutely love. We’ve both decided that it’s better to hold out for something we both really want rather than settling with what’s good enough. After all, if we’re spending that kind of money, we might as well buy something we really, really like.

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