Friday, June 05, 2009


This is my very first attempt to post directly to Blogger from MS Word 2007. I didn’t even realize this was an available feature until today. I honestly don’t know how I missed it before! So we’ll see how this post goes and if it looks okay, then maybe this will become my method for posting.

I have recently discovered shopping online for Bath & Body Works. They opened their first location here in Toronto at Yorkdale mall but they don’t carry all their products. There’s so much more on the website. Too bad... the ones I like are not available at the store so I have to buy them online which means I’ll have to pay shipping costs on top of it. They’re pretty affordable at $8-$15 compared to buying L'Occitane at $45-60. I still love, love, love the Almond Milk Concentrate from L'Occitane even though it sells for $58 (plus tax!). It’s just sooooo good with a light scent that stays from when you put it on in the morning to when you go to bed at night. I find it really expensive for a body lotion but it’s my favourite so I’ll splurge. I’m one of those people who are very particular to the creams they use. Some people splurge on coffee beans and cigarettes... I splurge on body creams and lotions.

The last book I read was the Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Our VP had lent it to me a week before the wedding and I was so busy that I never really had the chance to read it until after we came back from our trip. I actually brought it with me to Dominican but could only read a few lines here and there and then I would drop it and just go swimming. I found it slow in the beginning but I kept on reading it until I got to the part where I could no longer put the book down because I was dying to find out more. The conclusion was very surprising, one that I didn’t expect. I found the book very different because it had a sort-of melancholy tone and I couldn’t distinguish whether it was sad or mysterious or both. Nonetheless, it was a really good read. There is still a book at home I haven’t read and it’s entitled The Long Walk Home by Will North. I started reading the first few chapters several months ago and for some reason I forgot about it. I literally put the book down and put stuff on top of it and just completely forgot I even had the book. I have to re-read the first few chapters because I can’t recall what I had already read. Last week, I saw a book at Indigo called The Disappeared and it looked interesting. I was going to buy it but then I changed my mind because I still have a book to read at home.

I just have this big urge to read. I can’t go for months without reading. It’s like writing, I just feel the need to do it because I enjoy it so much.

The big highlight of my work day was making strawberry shortcakes. They’re so yummy and perfect for an afternoon snack. Exactly what I need to tide me over until five pm. Yum Yum Yum!

They finally narrowed it down to the top 20 dancers on So You Think You Can Dance last night. I was so bummed out that Alex Wong didn’t make it simply because he is under contract and wasn’t allowed out of it for a few months. I felt soooo bad for him because he looked like he really wanted it and he seemed like such a strong and talented dancer. I also felt bad that they chose between Ryan and Evan. It just wish they didn’t have to choose between the 2 brothers. They were both equally talented and Ryan just sounded like he needed a break.

I can’t wait till it gets to the choreography... it will be a blast!


Jela said...

I love Bath and Body Works. Too bad I have to wait for someone to go to the States to buy for me since the scent I want is not available here.

I've also read Thirteenth Tale. I've read it after I read Sepulchre by Kate Mosse. Both have elements of a ghost story but I liked Thirteenth Tale better, though not as much as I love other mystery books. It was a very engaging book, but I feel kind of cheated with the twist in the story.

k a r e n said...

I'm not surprised they don't ship to the Philippines.. you'll be surprised how many stores don't even ship to Canada even though we're adjacent to the US. The scent I like isn't available here in Canada either so I have to buy mine online too.

I haven't heard of the Sepulchre but I'll check it out next time I'm at the book store. I was thinking of doing some reading this weekend but I was so busy, it never happened. LOL