Wednesday, May 17, 2006

passing time... =)

After several days of rain we finally had the chance to see a bit of sun today. The forecast said we can still expect some rainfall in the course of the week but right now I’m just enjoying it. Back in the Philippines I took for granted the fact that we lived in a tropical country where the sun was out all through out the year except for those rainy days. When I moved to Canada, I suddenly missed the climate back home. How I sometimes wish Canada was a tropical country. Whenever the sun is out, everybody just seems to bask in it. I, for one, love the feel of warmth on my skin.

I heard the managers will be taking a vacation soon…one after the other. I’m suddenly thinking of going on a vacation too. I don’t plan to go anywhere this year but it would certainly be nice to get some time off work. I’m just having second thoughts since I haven’t been with the company for a year and I don’t know if I’ll qualify for one yet. Atleast a week off work would be nice.

Oh no, I’m beginning to feel sleepy… the effects of the coffee I took this morning are starting to wear out. Surprisingly I wasn’t sleepy at all this morning. I was actually trying to take a nap on the train to work but to no avail. I took longer than needed this morning getting ready for work because I couldn’t decide what to wear. I hate it when that happens but it happens to me all the time. Typical girl eh? lolz…

I paid all my bills y’day which always leaves me feeling like I don’t have any money left although I think I have enough until the next pay check. Atleast I know I have a savings account (thanks to jerry who encouraged me to have one set up – he knows my inability to stop shopping). I’m a bit bummed out since I know I can’t really afford to shop so much in the next few weeks but I’m good. I already have enough. I just have to avoid going to the malls so much.

I have been trying to encourage JR and Miguel to go to the gym to work out. I think it would be good for them. I was thinking of going myself. I would prefer swimming though. Unfortunately we don’t have an indoor pool in the condo so we can’t really swim unless it’s summer. We only have an outdoor pool.

Ugh…3 more hours to go till 5 pm…eck!

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