Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Doctor Too Busy

I called the doctor’s office this morning to try and book an appointment and guess what? She’s fully booked for atleast another month! Talk about lack of doctors or maybe an overflow of patients? You tell me.

I was just thinking to myself, what if it is an emergency? Not the kind that you take to the emergency room but the kind that’s more like, “I’m not really sure if there’s anything wrong with me but I’d rather have it checked out now than later just so I can sleep better at night.”

It’s one of those weird things in life where when you really, really need something/someone you can’t get it and when you don’t need it, it’s just plain available for your taking. Don’t ask me why, but it just seems to work that way… most of the time.

Anyhoo, the person that answered the phone was Filipino and was really nice to me. She said I should prolly book an appointment now before it gets really packed. Gee, you think?

Steve suggested going to another doctor which I might just do… but my mom really likes this specific doctor so I’m undecided. But what the heck, at least I have an appointment booked already.

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