Thursday, December 06, 2007

Skin woes.

Some people have allergies.

Others are more prone to getting things like colds and the flu.

I, on the other hand, have VERY sensitive skin.

I don’t remember my skin being so sensitive when I was little. But as I grew older, my skin just became…well… picky. I always have to be careful about the products I use like soap, body lotion… almost anything that touches my skin. I even have to be careful about the hair products I use simply because the tip of my hair touches my back.

What’s even weirder is that there are certain clothes I can’t wear because my skin doesn’t like the fabric or there’s something in it that just causes irritation. For example, wool and I don’t mix. Back home (in the Philippines) I owned these pair of dress pants that the doctor told me to stop wearing because I’d get rashes if I wore them. At first, we thought it might be the laundry detergent that we use for washing our clothes that might have been causing it but it eventually came down to the dress pants. Isn’t it ridiculous?

Lately, I’ve been having a sneaking suspicion that I am developing some kind of irritation towards the tights I wear during winter to keep my legs warm. I could stop wearing them altogether but then I’d be cold outside. What I don’t understand is that I never used to have a problem with wearing them and now it seems like my skin doesn’t like them anymore. Bummer.

Another reason to go see a doctor I guess.


Anonymous said...

I also have sensitive skin. I have found that Pure Essentials is best on my clothes as the ingredients are natural and don't irritate my skin - and it smells nice too!

Jela said...

boo! that's really BUMMER.

I also complain about my skin - which some would scoff at since I have fair complexion! But the downside to that is that I can't be out in the sun for long since I get rashes. Same thing happens when I drink alcoholic drinks. Bummer.

k a r e n said...

I'm the same way!!

I get sunburnt really fast. When I was in the Phils, 10 minutes under the noon sun would get me all red and I'd actually darken a little. I don't react well to alcohol either. Aside from the fact that I don't like the taste, I react all to fast and get really red real easy.

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