Monday, March 16, 2009

Productive weekend

I had a really productive weekend and I feel better knowing that we got so much done in a span of two days.

On Saturday, my parents, brothers and I went downtown to shop for suits, shirts and ties (for the civil ceremony), khakis and slacks (for the beach wedding) and swimming clothes (for our stay in Dominican). I thought we’d have a hard time looking for suits but it turned out really well. Not only were we able to find nice suits for the boys but they were really affordable too. I was so happy that we got them on sale and ended up saving a lot of money. The boys look so sharp in suits! I couldn’t resist snapping a few photos of them using my phone camera. The only complaint I had about the whole thing was how long it took. It took us about 3-4 hours just to shop for suits and shirts. Miguel was so adamant about wearing a green shirt with his suit so I had to look for a nice shade of green and a matching tie. JR was easier to shop for because he didn’t really have a preference and liked pretty much anything I handed to him.

After the boys bought clothes, Steve came by and picked me up and then we headed over to Square One in Mississauga to look at the linen suits he saw last week. His best man (also best friend and cousin) met us there and we saw three different kinds of linen suits. Out of the three kinds, the Calvin Klein ones fit them the best and they were the color we wanted so we decided to get them. They were also able to find matching shirts and ties to go with it so that was good.

There are still a few more items we need to get like dresses for my mom (one for the civil ceremony and one for the beach wedding), a bathing suit for her, sandals, etc. We also still need to check with our bank to see if we can get travel insurance from them for a lesser amount of money compared to getting it from the travel agent.
We also still need to book the reception for the civil ceremony but I’m sure it won’t be a problem since it’s just a simple lunch and there aren’t going to be a lot of guests.

It’s a lot of work but it feels good to get things done. So I am feeling pretty tired from all that walking and shopping we did over the weekend but it was all worth it.


Jela said...

Wow! You've been busy! :) Good luck on your wedding preparations! :D

k a r e n said...

Thanks Jela!

I know, it does take a lot of work and to think that when we get to Dominican, we will be meeting with the wedding coordinator there to make arrangements for the beach wedding pa.

Not only does it take a lot of time and effort to prepare for a wedding, it also takes money!