Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I went to Eaton Centre yesterday after work in the hopes of buying this cute top I saw over the weekend. I already bought a brown one but I wanted a white one too. Unfortunately, they only had 3 pieces left and none of them was my size. I walked around the mall, window-shopping and trying out some stuff but I didn’t find anything I liked. Jerry was working till 7pm so he couldn’t come with me but he called to ask me to wait for him so he could see me even for a bit. Since I was getting tired and I dind’t have anything else to do, I decided to wait for him at Indigo (it’s like Powerbooks). I grabbed a magazine and a book to read while waiting. I love going to Indigo because they let you read anything (even magazines). They even have comfy chairs where you can sit and read and they have benches near the windows overlooking the mall. It’s like a library except you can’t take out books unless you’re buying them. They also have computers all over the place where you can search for a book. It tells you how many are in stock at that store and where else can you find the book and how many they have in each store. If they’ve ran out of the book you’re looking for, you can have them call another branch and reserve one for you or you can order, or you can have it mailed to you at home. Pretty convenient noh? I actually have a memebership card there which entitles me to discounts. Jerry and I love to read so we buy books occasionally. Hey babe you gotta admit it was me who got you addicted to reading!!

I was thinking of buying The Time Traveller’s Wife next. Steve told me it’s a really good book and Suzy’s reading it.

I’ve always loved reading. My dad used to buy me Hans Anderson’s Fairtytales when I was young. I remember my grandma giving me lots of children’s books to read and I would spend hours sitting on my bed reading. She gave me and my brother so many books that we had to be careful when opening our top closet and our head boards or else we’d have books falling on us (and no, I’m not exagerrating). JR and I would also browse through Reader’s Digest and National Geographic and I remember having some difficulty understanding some of the big words. My parents would tell me what some of the words meant and they would teach me how to learn new words using context clues. Now I can go through an entire book in a few hours.

Reading books help me relax. They transport me to different places and times and they allow me to be a part of someone else’s life (whether it’s real or fictional). Once I start reading a book I like, that’s it I’m hooked. I love reading books by Nicholas Sparks, Dan Brown, Steve Berry and James Patterson. I also love books written by Sophie Kinsella, Stephenie Meyer, and Cecila Ahern.

Here are just some of my faves:

Can You Keep a Secret?
Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas
The Notebook
A Walk to Remember
PS I Love You
Where Rainbows End
The Da Vinci Code
Angels and Demons
Digital Fortress
Deception Point
Sam’s Letters to Jennifer
The Wedding
Tuesdays with Morrie
The Five People You Meet In Heaven

I can read the aforementioned books over and over again. Sometimes I can’t help but think of how talented these authors are to be able to write something so good. I don’t know if I’ll be able to write something just as good… probably not… but in any case, I stil love reading.

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