Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Jerry called to tell me (rather, yell) that Togo just scored a goal against Korea. He’s so cute! He is the biggest soccer fan that I know. He has the complete schedule and knows the different players and who’s good and who’s blah… He even rearranged his work schedule to accommodate it! So adorable! I don’t even have a sport that I regularly watch.

I wasn’t feeling too well the other day and I sent Juhl a text message complaining at how upset I am with some stuff at work. He sent me a message saying I should just come back home since I’m always happy when I’m there. I wish it were as easy as a snap of a finger and I’m there. I miss all of my relatives and my friends and I miss going to places and eating at restaurants…I miss being able to wake up in our house in Las Piñas and the smell of morning…God, I miss everything and everyone…

I miss the little things most of all… minute details that you normally wouldn’t think of or even notice. I miss the sound of a friend’s laughter, the smells and sounds I hear every morning as I commute to shool, the sound of each door in our house in Las Piñas…I miss being able to see my relatives during birthdays or holidays… I miss our mango tree… I miss being able to watch my fave TV shows… I miss my old bed… being able to eat halo-halo, squid balls, tokyo-tokyo, really good chinese food…I miss so many things… most especially my close friends. I miss having long conversations over the phone, complaining about school work, making jokes, laughing together, hanging out together… it’s different.

I cried a lot the first few weeks I came here. After awhile, I guess I got used to it…being here I mean. I still miss everything and everyone and I still think about them everyday but it’s not as bad as I originally thought it was or would be. I strongly believe there is a reason for everything. Yes, life can spin out of control and throw you places you never thought you’d be at or situations you’d never thought you’d be in but there is a God and God is good. I trust in Him and I know He has His own reasons and I know He knows what’s best for me. Don’t get me wrong, yes I do have those moments where in I think life is pretty shitty but that’s only when I’m really upset and really down…but I learn to get over it and accept it for what it is and hope for the best. What else can I do, right? Life is life…that’s all I can say.

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