Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A case of the Ex

“Can you be friends with your ex?” – This is one question that gets thrown at me every now and then. I see it on articles, e-mails, surveys and it almost never fails to pop-up during girl talk. I’m sure you’ve been asked this question atleast once before. While most would answer no, some would answer yes. As for me, I’ve only had 1 ex-boyfriend and we’ve managed to remain good friends. To be honest, it took awhile for both of us to get past everything. Mostly it was me that was having a hard time getting over it. After we broke up, we had a very rough and painful year of getting back together and then breaking up again and a lot of arguing. There were times when we both cried, times when we missed each other, times when we were confused and times when we were sort of glad we were over. In the simplest of words, it was a rollercoaster ride. The one thing I do know is that we were both honest with each other. It helped that we were good friends even before we became a couple and got to know each other very well during the years we spent together. The truth hurt but the fact was we grew up and it was time for us to go our separate ways. Am I bitter about it? I used to be but now I’m not bitter at all. We still chat every now and then (we seldom catch each other online due to our time difference), we crack jokes, give each other advice… we do the things that friends do (except we don’t hang out with each other since I’m in Canada). When I think he’s being a jerk to someone, I tell him. He lends me an ear when I need it.

Do we care for each other? Yes, we do. We are friends. We are both happy with our current relationships and although we both know we prolly won’t be together again as a couple (haha!), we remain good friends.

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