Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'll go check it out

I have to say no one looks at a piece of hardware like technicians do. You bring in a new server into the room and their eyes turn into big saucers and they just have to check it out. Off comes the housing and in come their hands, checking every drive, every wire and then comes the “ooohss and aaahhsss”. Can’t say I blame them because I’m the same way. I. can. Be. Such. A. Geek.

If there’s one thing you need to know, good hardware is an investment. I always believe in the saying you get what you pay for. Don’t go cheap if you intend to make full use of it or else you’ll end up spending even more money in the end. I’d gladly spend a few extra bucks for something I know will really benefit me and make my life so much easier.

You can blame my dad and my brother JR for the influence. Sure I can be quite a geek sometimes but I’m nothing like my dad who actually purchases PC magazines and checks out the latest gizmos and what-nots out there. And because my dad knows I have very little patience for such magazines/articles, he has taken up the responsibility of keeping me informed simply by casually mentioning it during Sunday breakfast, dinner and in between wacthing TV shows. Of course, when he mentions something, it usually means he wants to buy it. Not always the case, but almost always happens. For example, we’ll be watching TV and all of a sudden he’ll say something like, “oh I saw this Logitech mouse on a website and (insert all features of such a mouse here)…” and shortly followed by, “I was thinking of checking it out at Future Shop or Best Buy and see how much it costs…” and my favorite line of all, “It’s perfect for you with your laptop… you want to get it…?” so you see, he wants it but gets me to want it too and then pay for it. Funny huh? The sad thing is, I almost always agree with him. Hey, it takes a lot to impress my dad when it comes to tech stuff so if he’s impressed, I’m impressed. Of course, since I am well aware of my dad’s tendency to go a wee bit overboard with gadgets and electronics, I have a practiced speech, “really? Ok, I’ll go check it out and see if I can afford it right now…” This answer is guaranteed to please him. LOL.

Dad wants me to get Windows VISTA. So you know what I said?

“Ok, I’ll go check it out and see if I can afford it.”

Dad smiles. –grin-

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