Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Commute.

I think I’m coming down with a cold and I can’t say I’m thrilled about it. My brother, Miguel, had the flu last week and had actually missed a few days of school and I’m guessing I might have gotten it from him although very unlikely since I haven’t been around him a lot. Because I have training today and tomorrow, I brought Strepsils with me to work to ease my sore throat. Let me tell you, training with a sore throat and a cold is big pain in the bum. As much as I’d like to have an excuse to not come to work, being sick is quite uncomfortable.

On the subway this morning, there was this woman who sat beside me and her purse was half on her lap and half on mine. Don’t you find it annoying when that happens to you? I know I do. I tried giving her “the look”, tried adjusting my leg, squirmed a little… hoping that she would notice that her purse is on me. But nothing worked. I contemplated on just telling her but she looked like one of those people that could potentially cause a scene and I didn’t want to get into it so early in the morning. So I just put on my iPod, leaned on the side to nap and tried my best to distract myself from the annoying purse on my lap.

Speaking of commuting annoyances, I also hate it when a person doesn’t sit properly. You know those situations where the person sitting beside you:

  • Is sitting diagonally and you’ve got this really tiny space to fit yourself into
  • Is half sitting on you… this is the worst! Dude, your left butt cheek is on my lap and it’s impeding my blood flow.
  • Has his/her feet up on the seat and you’re trying your best to avoid his/her shoe marks getting on your clothes
  • Has his/her bag on the seat and all I could think of is how selfish and inconsiderate this person is when someone else clearly needs the seat
  • Is tapping his/her fingers/feet on my chair
Really, really annoying especially when I’m running on a short fuse and I’m trying really hard not to blow up. I also get annoyed with people who play music stored in the cellphones but they don’t have a headset so they put the music on speaker instead. Gee, thanks man, I really wanted to hear your loud music. In fact, give me more please.

And since when did being a gentleman while commuting become outdated? It’s so rare to see gentlemen on transit and I sometimes I think my brothers are the only ones that are still mindful of it. Courtesy is sadly lacking.

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