Friday, September 05, 2008

Goodbye Friend.

As I was entering Steve's office, he abruptly stood up, walked over to me and shielded my eyes.

He said, "I have to show you something..."

Immediately I was suspicious. Did he have a surprise waiting for me? Is it something scary? Some new information he knew I would love? Is it going to be something funny? What did he want to show me??

As I slowly walked, he positioned me to face the window, took off his hands and said, "Look... what do you see?"

At first I didn't notice anything. I didn't know what I was looking for, I didn't know what it was that he was trying to show me.

Then it hit me. I saw it.

The company across the street from us was landscaping. They had dug out their front lawn and I could see the various pots and plants on one side, waiting to be planted.

Horrified, I exclaimed, "OH NO! WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY BABIES?!" I was referring to the groundhogs that lived somewhere underneath their front lawn. Those adorable, little, furry creatures that I loved to watch frolicking on their lawn most afternoons. The same tiny creature whose photo I once posted here.

I was so upset and I get even more upset everytime I think about it. They were so innocent!

I am so so sad.

To read more about them, go here.

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