Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Do you agree?

Brain scans show that when a man’s brain is in a resting state, at least 70 percent of his brain is shut down. On the other hand, when women were resting, at least 90 percent of their brain was active, confirming that women are always thinking...

In another study, when asked to think of nothing, men’s brains were more active in the more primitive physical activity centers, while women’s brains were more active in the emotional centers. Left to themselves, men will think about sex or their jump shot, women will think about their spouse, their children or parents.

-Excerpt from Sex on the Brain by Daniel G. Amen

I came across this excerpt while reading Chatelaine at the doctor's office. I thought it was interesting because I find that even when I don't want to think, I'm constantly thinking. I sometimes feel as though my brain just won't shut down. Not that I have any trouble sleeping... the opposite actually. As soon as I lie down, I'm fast asleep. But I do suspect that even when I am asleep, my mind is still working away which is probably why I dream a lot and why I remember most of my dreams. I always wondered if people thought as much as I do.

Even when I am sitting quietly or staring into space, I am still thinking.

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