Monday, March 16, 2009

Johnny Rockets!

On Saturday, while the family and I were downtown, we decided to eat at this new place that opened along Dundas and Yonge called Johnny Rockets. According to Steve, they’re a chain and quite popular in the States but I’ve never been in any of them. I’m not too crazy about burgers but since my dad really wanted to try it, I gave in.

As soon as we entered the place, I was instantly amused. It was classic! I loved the Juke Box, the old Soda machine, old-style Coke glasses, stainless counters and old-style diner decor. The servers were super friendly and they even did a dance number when the Donna Summer’s Last Dance came on the Juke Box! It was soooo CUTE!

Anyhow, here are some of the photos I took of the place... my apologies if they’re a bit fuzzy since I only used my phone camera to take these...

My brother holding the menu

A view of the restaurant and that's our server (her name's Lola) walking away from us

Little Juke Box on our table (there's a bigger one that actually plays music)

Old-style Coke glasses!

Stainless counters


neni said...

the servers have to do a dance number???
ah! the simple things that remind me that I shouldn't be complaining about MY job... :)

k a r e n said...

Hahahaha! I know! My brother said the same thing.. he said, "Makes me happy I don't work here..." LOL