Friday, April 20, 2007

18 degrees! Woohoo!

It’s been awhile since my last post. I can’t believe my last post was before the Easter weekend! I’ve been so busy at work that I haven’t had the chance to do anything else besides work. By the time I get home, I’m far too tired to want to do anything else besides sleep. Lately I’ve been so tired that I’ve lost my appetite and I fall asleep everytime I lean my head on something. In the mornings I have to drag myself off the bed and stumble my way to the bathroom to take a bath. Awful.

TGIF. My training session ended prematurely so I am left with a few minutes to spare. These precious few minutes I have I am spending on posting. I can’t disappoint those who read my page every now and then can I? LOL. Anyhow, I am in a good mood not only because it is Friday but because for the first time since winter, the temperature outside has risen to a warm 18 degrees. For those of you who don’t know, everytime I get warm weather, I feel the need to post about it. It’s a way of documenting every warm weather I get since warm weather is something I just can’t take for granted living in a cold country like Canada. So please let me indulge a bit. Earlier I was complaining how hot it was in my office and Steve said, “You’re complaining about the warmth?” Of course I shouldn’t be complaining because I absolutely love the warm weather. Give me summer over winter any time.

I'm just so glad it's the weekend. Finally.

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