Monday, April 23, 2007

Ranting about nothing but work (again)

"Your leadership qualities will shine soon"

This is what my fortune cookie said.

Do you believe in fortune cookies? I don't necessarily believe in them but they're fun to open. Sometimes you get something that doesn't make any sense and sometimes you get a good laugh just from the grammar mistakes they make which of course either results in a funny bunch of words or a phrase that makes you go "huh?"

Anyhow, going back to my fortune cookie prediction: Your leadership qualities will shine soon... I sure hope so. Lately I've been feeling unappreciated for the work I do. I am now officially a member of the disgruntled employees club. No membership card required, all you really need is a long list of complaints about the work place and the people you work with specifically those who are above you who don't know what they're doing. A must-have on the list of complaints is the lack of compensation. Sometimes, all I ask is a little bit of respect. Learn how to say please and thank you. If you need something, ask nicely. Why is that so hard?

Looking at my past posts, I notice I rant about work an awful lot. I think maybe I should consider other options.

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