Monday, April 30, 2007

Feeling sick (again)

I feel sick. It seems I haven’t fully recovered since Wednesday when I had to miss a day of work. I hate being sick… it’s such an awful feeling. One minute you're cold, the next minute you're hot. You have a headache, tummy ache and all sorts of weird aches or just an over-all feeling of being unwell. All I want to do right now is crawl into bed and die. Except I don't really want to die. Atleast not yet.

I was able to spend some time with the girls over the weekend. I hadn’t seen them in awhile and it was nice just sitting down, watching a movie, eating pizza and doing a bit of talking. Our original plans of doing make-overs didn’t go through because we got hooked on Pretty Woman and just didn’t have enough time to do everything. Nonetheless it was fun. I fall in-love with Richard Gere everytime I watch it. What can I say, I'm a die hard fan of chick flicks.

Thankfully, we had better weather during the weekend. The past week was cloudy and rainy but the weekend turned out nice. Although Saturday was still pretty cloudy, atleast it didn’t rain. I was able to make a short trip to the salon before heading out to girls' night. The next day, Sunday, was beautiful and it truly was a day meant to be spent outdoors. Both Steve and I love being able to sit in the car and drive with our windows down and just enjoying the sun.

The weekend went by all too fast it seems.

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