Friday, March 16, 2007

a bit of slack time

Why is it so hard for some people to follow instructions? Arrgghh!!

Don’t mind the first line, I just needed to vent.

Anyhow, the past couple of days have been super nice. It really felt like Spring! Unfortunately, it looks like this weekend will be chilly again. Bummer. It’s so depressing to think of the weekend being cold especially when I know I’ll be going out of the house. I hate going out in the cold and having to wear so many layers and still feel cold.

I know I’ve been neglecting my page. I’ve just been really swamped at work and at times I feel overwhelmed. So far I’ve been able to do 3 things at the same time. I’ll be on the phone training a client while writing some marketing blurb for our corporate website and mentally keeping track of all the other things I need to do as soon as I get off the phone. This does not count all the times I signal outside my window to co-workers asking me questions and silently mouthing the answers. Steve said it’s hard to believe how I’m able to do so many things at the same time. Told him, I’ve been practicing multi-tasking since I was in school and I really have no choice. There are so many things I need to do and so little time to do all of them. Right now I just feel exhausted. Physically and mentally. I’ve been quiet all morning, answering e-mails and setting up client databases and I think I must look different or must have been too quiet because several people have asked me whether I was feeling ok. I think I’m going to do a bit of shopping after work and de-stress. LOL.

You must be thinking, “if she’s got so many things on the go, what the hell is she doing blogging?”. Good question! If you must know, if I don’t write now, I’ll be screaming my head off at the end of the day. Writing is always a good stress reliever. Plus, I write pretty fast so I’ll be done with this post in a few minutes and I can get back to what I was doing.

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