Friday, March 23, 2007

Don't do it Karen!

Awww… darn it. I promised myself I would do my darndest to keep myself from spending too much and what happened? Whhaaattt happened?! I came out of Eaton Centre with a new lipgloss and a pair of new shoes. Both of which are absolutely gorgeous by the way. But still… Why can’t I walk through the mall and only get what I absolutely need? Why oh why can’t I pass through windows and not look? And why oh why can I not keep myself from trying on clothes and shoes and make up? I know for a fact that my eyes will always look through the window, I will see something I like and then I will want to try them on. All that time saying to myself, “You’re just trying it on… no harm in trying…” And of course it’s crap because I know for a fact that once I try it and it looks good, I’m definitely getting it. It’s an addiction I tell you!!

I’ve got a plan. I am going to look for pictures of the places I want to go to and place them strategically where I can see them and I will be reminded of why I need to save money. And then I will tell myself that I will be with my sweetheart on a beach somewhere so I better keep my money in my wallet if I ever want that to happen.

If worse comes to worse, I might just have to give my money to someone who will keep it away from me. Or I could get one of those bands that you put around the neck that would give me a shock of electricity everytime I stepped into the mall. LOL.

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