Wednesday, March 07, 2007


It's funny... I came across someone else's page and she wrote about how often do we find ourselves wanting something so bad for so long and when we finally get it, we're not so sure we want it still. I found myself nodding in agreement because I know exactly how it feels. It's sorta like my crushes... I like them but if they went after me, I wouldn't go for it. Weird huh?

Anyhow, I've been pretty good with getting to work super early for the past week or so. I love being one of the first people to arrive at the office. I dunno why.. I just feel more relaxed that way. I can walk in and not have to work right away. I can just grab a cup of coffee, have breakfast and spend a few morning minutes chatting with co-workers and having a laugh or two. Not that they're strict at work anyway, even if I walked in at exactly 9am, I could still grab coffee, eat breakfast and chit chat a bit.. but I wouldn't be as comfortable.. there will still be that nagging thought at the back of my head telling me I need to check my e-mail, voicemail and start my work day.

Miguel just asked me if I had Facebook and I told him I did. He just added me so I decided I should go check out his page. I just realized my baby brother really is a teenager now. He's got a totally different lingo and he's acting and talking like a teenager.. but a good teenager if I may say so. He still and will always be the baby of the family.

Super sleepy... must go to sleep.

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