Saturday, March 03, 2007

A normal day

This morning started out really bad. Mum woke me up at 6am to inform me that we had no power which means we have no heat, no light, and no water. She suggested that I skip work altogether since I can't walk out of the house straight from the bed. I, of course, agreed. I too do not wish to walk out of the house without atleast brushing my teeth and washing my face. I need to take a bath everyday. If I can't take a bath, I'm not going anywhere.

To make the story short, the power eventually came back on. If it hadn't, I would have been disappointed. This is North America after all. A first world country. If I were in the Phils, losing power for a few days is pretty normal.

Anyhow, I came across a friend's blog and came across a post he wrote about some of the things he wants to be able to accomplish this year. I must say I am pretty impressed with his ambitions. He is a smart guy after all. Probably one of the smartest people I've known in my entire life so far. But looking at what he's already done and the things he wants to be able to do, just makes me look at my life and go, "What the hell am I doing with mine?" I suddenly feel the need to go out there and study some more, take more certifications, just freaking do more! I probably shouldn't be comparing myself to him of all people. He is super smart and can probably do anything he wants to do.

I was just thinking, how many of us really end up doing what we want to do?

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