Friday, August 17, 2007

Road Kill (almost!)

The other day, I was in the car with Steve and all of a sudden he stops and tells me there are raccoons crossing. And then I saw two little, furry creatures run across the road in front of the car. They were running so fast, I could barely make out what they were. If Steve hadn’t told me they were raccoons, I would have thought they were squirrels. So there we were watching and Steve says, “Look there’s another one on the side” and I turn to see a third raccoon hesitating by the side of the road and then it suddenly crossed. But there was an on-coming car and both Steve and I watched in horror as it ran across the road with the car running towards it. I was so sure it was going to get hit and with my voice raised, I kept saying, “Oh no! It’s going to get hit! Do something!”

Thank God the little thing didn’t get hit. It barely missed it though…

I think they were young raccoons because they were still small. I would have been devastated if it had gotten hit. And right in front me too.

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