Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Superbowl Slumber.

Did you guys watch the Superbowl last Sunday?

I did.

I have to say though that it’s a game I truly do not fully understand. Steve explained to me that the point of the game is to advance the ball 10 yards within 4 tries. Players could either run the ball or throw it. Sounds simple right? Yeah… I don’t really get it. I still find it all too confusing.

I don’t understand what moves are considered legit and which ones are fowls. And even though the referee explained why he called the fowl, I still don’t understand. I’ll be honest, I was more interested in the colors of the uniforms and who was better looking between the 2 quarterbacks and I rooted for the team Steve was rooting for. So typical of being a girl ‘no?

In the midst of it all, I couldn’t keep my eyes open and somehow during the game, I fell asleep. Yep, in Steve’s couch while he was watching the game and rooting for his team of choice, I was sleeping.

Apparently, it was a really good game. I don’t really know what constitutes a good football game. All I know is, before I fell asleep, it was 7 Patriots – 3 Giants and when I woke up, the Giants had won with 17 pts and the Patriots with 14 pts. I missed it all and only woke up to catch the presentation of the trophy.

When I got home later that evening, my mom asked me if Steve and I watched the game. I told her yes but that I had fallen asleep and didn’t really see the whole thing. She said my dad and 2 brothers watched it too and when the game got intense, they were all yelling and jumping and near the end of the game, my mom caught all of them standing in the living room watching the last few minutes unfold instead of sitting down.

Do I prefer hockey over football? Oh yes. At least hockey I could understand a bit better.


Anonymous said...

yes...i actually did see it...and only because everyone kept talking about how this could be a perfect season for the patriots and how they don't want that to happen! I've been here in the US for 10 years and I just now somewhat understand the mechanics of the game...although, i must admit, i don't see where/who has the football half the time!

But mostly, I watch the superbowls mainly because of the awesome commercials!! Did you know that ads cost about $1 million/30 sec. air time? I've been hooked ever since I got into my major for Broadcasting :)

k a r e n said...

I heard! The commercials are insanely expensive!!

The Superbowl ads were actually featured on MSN Videos on Monday so you can watch all of them!

Check it out!