Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Darn Movie, Darn Playlist.

My brilliant idea of going home earlier than usual and going to bed by 10pm didn’t quite go as planned.

After work, I passed by the STC to pick up a few items and sushi and then headed home. I was starving by the time I walked in the door and was really glad to find warm, Chinese food waiting on the table from one of my fave Chinese restaurants. I couldn’t believe how much food I ate in less than half an hour! To top it off, my mom brought out cherry cheesecake for dessert. Yum!!

Anyhow, the reason why I wasn’t able to go to bed early was because they were showing “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” on TV. It’s been so long since I saw it so I told myself I was going to watch just the first hour of the movie and then go to bed. Well… yeah… that didn’t happen. I got hooked and ended up watching the whole thing until 11:30 pm. What can I say? I’m a sucker for romantic, feel-good movies. Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson look really good together and would have been a cute couple had they dated for real.

After the movie, I washed the dishes and finally got ready for bed. Then I remembered some of the songs in the movie that I liked and decided it wouldn’t hurt if I spent 10-15mins downloading them on iTunes. One song led to another until I found myself downloading 15 songs from various artists. I then proceeded to transfer them all to my iPod but in doing so, I accidentally deleted one of my playlists! I was like, “NNNNOOOOOO!! Sh*t! Dammit! Aaahh!” And so I spent the next half an hour or so re-creating the entire playlist from scratch.

What time did I finally go to sleep? 1 am. Yeesh.

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