Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Heroes on DVD.

JR found a website containing all episodes of Heroes in HD quality which he then downloaded and burned into a DVD. I was able to follow some episodes on TV but had missed most of them so it was good that he was able to find them online. That way we can just watch them whenever we want without having to rent them. A big plus was that it was in HD.

We had already seen episodes 1-3 so we started with episode 4 last night. That darn show is just way too addictive. We ended up watching 3 episodes last night and it screwed up my plans of going to bed early. We finally decided to turn it off at around 12:30 am.

I know how the season ends because I was able to see the last episode. I just need to see the episodes in between because I missed a lot of crucial information like who is Nightmare Man and why Kensei ended up being so mean and how Peter came back to New York and why Suresh ended up working for The Company when he’s supposed to be in alliance with Matt. Despite the fact that I know how the season began and how it ended, it all is still very entertaining to watch.

The last episode we saw last night ended with Peter and Caitlyn being transported into the future and Hiro being betrayed by Kensei. I can’t wait to see the next episode!

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