Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thoughts on writing.

I know I always complain about being tired… but it is because I tend to blog when I’m at work. I like to write when I feel the need for a break. Sometimes I will start writing a post in the morning and I’ll continue adding to it slowly all through out the day in between phone calls and emails and finally publish it when I finish. And then there are times when words just flow freely and I can write an entire post in a matter of minutes and publish right away. I’ve always had a thing for writing and playing with words and pens. When I was little, my mom used to bring home a used daily planner for me. Since not all of the pages of the planner have been filled in, I would use that space to write or draw. I’d ask her for office pads and different colored pens and stamp pads and I’d happily spend my afternoons playing with them. Sometimes I’d pretend I was a secretary or a teacher grading papers or a cashier stamping receipts and other times, I would just draw figures and put dialogue bubbles and then there were times I’d write letters to my cousins or my mom.

I even remember JR and me coming up with this brilliant idea of writing on the wall. We were already half-way through the word when our parents caught us. Let’s just say, our brilliant idea wasn’t brilliant after all.

I have a confession to make: I’ve always loved writing essays in school. Most of my classmates would whine whenever we were asked to write an essay. But I was always quiet because I secretly enjoyed it. During our freshman year, one of our teachers had asked us to keep a journal which we had to submit to her regularly. It didn’t matter how many entries we wrote within the week as long as we had at least one entry. She would read them over the weekend and then return them to us when she was finished. She would put a star for the entries she particularly liked and at times she would put comments on some. At the end of the year, she had asked us to submit all of the entries that had a star in it and we had it bound together into a book which was then stored in the library so that others could read them.

Writing for me is such a good outlet…whether it is on a piece of paper or online. Of course there are days when I don’t feel like writing and then there are days when all I want to do is put my thoughts on paper. Regardless of how deep or mundane my topics might be, it is always an enjoyable activity.

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