Monday, March 03, 2008

Movie Quiz.

Got this from Jela and Jen.


- Pick 17 of your favourite movies.
- Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
- Post them here for everyone to guess.
- Fill in the film title once it's guessed.
- NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions.

01. I know you work in the real world and you're very good at it. But that's work. Where do you live, Linus? (Sabrina - Jen)

02. The Beach Boys? How nice of that man to give me a CD that will remind me of all the wonderful times I shared with his daughter. What an asshole! (50 First Dates - Jela)

03. There are three things that every Greek woman must do in life: marry Greek boys, make Greek babies, and feed everyone. (My Big Fat Greek Wedding - Jela)

04. I think you should just admit that you're a big softy… that this whole cynical thing is just an act so that you can seem wounded, and mysterious, and sexy.

05. I bet you've had a hard time walking into a room full of people on your own, right? Yeah. I know that. I know what it is not to feel like you’re in the room until he looks at you or touches your hand or even makes a joke at your expense, just to let everyone know... you're with him. You're his.

06. What's the boy word for 'slut'? (Definitely, Maybe - makmak)

07. You show up here, after seven years, without so much as a "Hey there, Jake, remember me... your wife!" Or a, "Hi honey, lookin' good. How's the family?". (Sweet Home Alabama - Jen)

08. I got red, I got green, I got yellow... I'm out of purple, but I do have one Gold Circle coin left... the condom of champions... the one and only... nothin' is gettin' through this sucker. Whaddya say, hmm?

09. Will you take a look at that? Pretty pathetic, huh? Well, you'll never believe this, but that llama you're looking at was once a human being. And not just any human being. That guy was an emperor. A rich, powerful ball of charisma. Oh, yeah! This is his story. Well, actually, my story. That's right... I'm that llama. The name is Kuzco... Emperor Kuzco. I was the world's nicest guy and they ruined my life for no reason. Oh, is that hard to believe? Look, I'll tell you what. You go back a ways, you know, before I was a llama, and this will all make sense.

10. We? What 'we'? We didn't read that book, I told you not to play around with that thing, and didn’t I tell you not to play around with that thing?

11. Ya know, I was getting along with everything fine. I accepted it, and then you happened! I do not need a reason to be angry with God. (A Walk To Remember - Jela)

12. Wait... No! I mean, can't we just, like, kick this old school? Like, I have the baby, put it in a basket and send it your way, like, Moses and the reeds? (Juno - Jela)

13. What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are. Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me.

14. Well, I'm afraid the world's pretty much the same. Of course, we all dress in shiny metal jumpsuits and drive flying cars and no one talks anymore because we can read each other's minds... but, the truth is, from the past, not much has really changed in 2006. (The Lakehouse - Jela)

15. We need a witness to our lives. There are a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything… the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'."

16. And those are the words of a gentleman. From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry.(Pride and Prejudice - Jen)

17. Oh God, this is one of those key moments in life, when it's possible you can be really, genuinely cool - and I'm failing 100%. I absolutely and totally and utterly adore you and I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world and more importantly I genuinely believe and have believed for some time now that we can be best friends. What do YOU think? (Notting Hill - Jen)


Jela said...

02. 50 First Dates
03. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
11. A Walk To Remember
12. Juno
14. The Lake House

This is so much fun! :)

jen said...

01) Sabrina
16) Pride and Prejudice

I think no.17 is familiar, isipin ko pa... =)

I think Jela got no.2 already so di ko na sinagutan... hehehe...

Ang saya! =D

k a r e n said...

You guys got it right!!

I agree this is really fun. Nakakatuwa lang isipin kc most of our fave movies are the same. I tried not repeat the ones you guys already posted kaso ang hirap iwasan kc fave ko din talaga eh! isa pa, ang hirap ata mag-isip ng 17 movies! =P

Jela said...

Okay, I have a confession to make...

The original quiz (at least in the place where I got this from!) only lists 15 movies. Kaya lang by the time I choose which movies to include, I was stuck with 17 movies with really memorable lines for me (as in pinili ko talaga yung mga fave lines ko!) and wala akong gustong iwan, so ginawa kong 17! Hahaha! Dapat pala sinabi ko choose your own number! :)

jen said...

Nos. 4 and 7 sounds familiar, pero di ko maisip! waaah! No. 17 I think is from Notting Hill? =)

Jela - oo nga, sana sinabi mo that we could choose our own number! ang hirap pumili ng 17 movies! hehehe... pero okay lang, masaya naman eh... =D

k a r e n said...

Jen you got #17 right! =P

Onga ang dami ng 17 movies pero ok lang din para maraming pwedeng hulaan. hehehe!

#4 is from a movie that just recently came out (maybe in the last 2-3 months)

#7 is from a movie that had Patrick Dempsey in it.

jen said...

Ha! I got #7 already! It's Sweet Home Alabama! (i'm crossing my fingers... =D)

k a r e n said...

ang galing galing! =P

MakMak said...

"what's the boy word for slut?" -- Definitely, Maybe. Right? Ehehehe. ^^

k a r e n said...

Galing naman makmak! Yes! You got it! =P