Friday, April 18, 2008

Strike... I'm out.

I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday, which if you recall from previous posts, I have been waiting for several months now. I am quite eager to get it done and over with. The reason as to why I had to wait for so long was because something kept coming up…

  • Originally scheduled for January but our CEO needed to send me to Calgary for 4 days sooo…
  • I rescheduled it for March since it was the next earliest available date. When I called to confirm the appointment, it turns out the date the receptionist had offered me before was Good Friday and not only that, she actually FORGOT to put my name anywhere on the stupid calendar… sooo…
  • The next available date is this coming Monday and I’m all ready for it. I even booked the day of several weeks in advance. But last night while I was brushing my teeth, mama told me that…
There is an impending transit strike on Monday… WTF?!

I almost swallowed toothpaste. I couldn’t believe it… after having to cancel and re-schedule and all that waiting, the TTC is going on strike?!! How am I supposed to go to the doctor if there are no buses, no subway trains, and no street cars? I can’t take a cab going there because everyone will be taking cabs and all the cab companies will be busy.

I thought of booking a cab on Sunday so that it will be reserved for me for Monday morning. Just as I was beginning to feel good about this idea, it suddenly occurred to me that it was only solving one aspect of my problem… which is just getting there. I forgot about the coming back part. So that idea’s out of the window.

So here I am… still worried about the friggin appointment and the stupid strike. I can’t re-schedule because it means having to wait another few months or so and I really would rather not. Is it just really not meant to be?? Why does something always come up?!

I really hope the TTC can strike up a deal and the strike doesn’t go through. I need this appointment.

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