Wednesday, April 02, 2008


We finally finished uploading those 10,000+ resumes in the client database. I can’t tell you enough how elated I was while uploading the last 6 resumes left on my list of 2400+. Of course the boss dropped a bombshell afterwards by telling me I had to go through each of the failed resumes on my list, try to modify them and re-upload. Shoot me. I was holding 4 pages of failed resumes in my hand and as she was telling me what to do, I instinctively took a glance at those 4 pages and I couldn’t help but be dismayed. Thankfully, most of the resumes on my list were corrupted files and I couldn’t do anything with them so at the end of the day, I just handed the list back to her so she could make a report and send it to the client. I ended up only staying for an extra half an hour at work which was good.

Today I have 2 training sessions – one in the morning and one in the afternoon which I am not too thrilled about. I hate training.

Steve called-in sick today which means I won’t be able to go to his office for a “pick-me-up” when I feel stressed or bored or annoyed or tired. It seems like it’s going to be a really long day. I miss him already.

I’ve been slouching at my desk a lot so this morning I adjusted my chair so that I am forced to sit straight to comfortably use my keyboard. I find it a bit uncomfortable at the moment because I’m so used to slouching but I’m sure with time, I will eventually adjust. It will be good for my back and hopefully prevent my tummy from bulging. Haha!

Great weather today. A bit chilly but sunny. Had to wear thick winter jacket outside but at least there’s no wind so it’s tolerable. I love looking up at the sun roof in my office. I don’t think it’s called a sun roof but I forgot what it’s called so I’m calling it as such. Sunshine is peeking through it and I can’t tell you how happy it makes me feel. It’s a glimpse of warmer weather ahead.

It’s lunch time and I’m starving. I hope we get lunch before my next training session begins.

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