Monday, June 23, 2008

Life for Sale.

Found this article on Yahoo this morning and couldn’t believe it.

Online auctions have certainly taken it to the next level! You can now auction your life online?! What the…!?!

Surprisingly enough, there are people who would bid for it. At first I thought he was accepting bids from people to take his life… as in murder him… but as it turns out, auctioning his life meant that he’s auctioning his job, his lifestyle and everything he owns. The bid has hit a high of over 2 million dollars. I can understand people bidding for the property… but I don’t understand why someone would want to take over his former job as a rug store assistant even for the just 2 weeks (as his original part of the package). Surely, if someone could afford to spend millions of dollars to purchase his property, he/she is wealthy enough to not need the rug store assistant position…right?

Anyhow, it’s just surprising what people would auction off and bid for…

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