Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More on posting.

I just checked my site log and noticed that I currently have a total of 8k plus visits. It’s a combination of returning and unique visitors, I’m sure, but I’m still a bit surprised that there have been that many visitors. When I started blogging, I didn’t even have a stat counter… I put one long after.

I don’t know what people think about my blog and the stuff I write about. I am still a bit hesitant when it comes to my posts… afraid of what people might think, say or feel about it. I’m also a bit worried that someone who I’m not comfortable with reading it will stumble upon it… like someone at work for example. I prefer to keep my personal life far from my professional life (although it’s quite impossible since Steve and I work together and my colleagues and I have tea time in the morning where we talk about what goes with our time outside work). I worry that I might unintentionally hurt someone or that what I write could easily be misunderstood. Kahit paano, I still believe in the saying that some things are just better left unsaid.. in this case, better left unwritten.

Although I post regularly, I don’t always write anything and everything that goes on with my life. If you’ve noticed, I write mostly about the things that are pretty mundane and irrelevant. I have difficulty writing about the things that hit too close to home. I try to, but it’s not always easy for me to just put all of it out there. I’m the type of person that when something’s on my mind or something’s seriously bothering me, I like keeping to myself first until I’m comfortable enough to let someone else know about it.

Another thing, with blogging, I just never know who’s reading and I have to always be mindful of what type of information it is I’m sharing out there. It’s a fine line between providing someone a snippet of your life and providing someone with every piece of information about you. One just cannot be too careful these days especially with so many people having so much access to information online.

I admire other bloggers who have no qualms about writing whatever they want… sana ganun din ako. Yung tipong bahala na kung sino makabasa.. bahala na kung anong isipin nila. I would still be careful when it comes to the information I post out there. But I want to be more frank, be more open about my opinions and hopefully be more encouraged to share bits and pieces of things that are personal yet worth sharing. Maybe someone will take something good out of it… who knows!

Maybe I’ll take it one post at a time.


MakMak said...

Yep, it's like learning to fly, or falling in love. Sabi nga ni Jordin. Lol.

You have a nice blog, sabi ko nga dati di ba. You can write a personal entry and keep the details to a minimum and it is still interesting to read. It appears kasi na spontaneously written siya. :)

Plus, the layout is light and bubbly kaya magaan "tumambay" sa blog mo.

I have kept several blogs before, and the posts were, more or less, inhibited. Not that OMBD is a full-blown confessional, but it's somehow different and to say, more true. Pero, I still choose the thoughts, words and manner of delivery of my posts. :)

Keep it up.

k a r e n said...

Thanks makmak!

I really appreciate your comments and taking the time to drop by and read my posts.

I like reading your entries too. When I read them, like the posts about your adventures in the States, I imagine what it must be like.. parang mini-movie in my head. LOL

jen said...

I actually envy you too. Feeling ko, ang galing-galing mong sumulat. Like what Mak have said, when you write, you can make even the most mundane topic really interesting. Kaka-inggit. Hehehe...

k a r e n said...

Awww.. thanks Jen!

Honestly though, you guys write just as well kaya nga I keep coming back to read your posts eh! At least yung inyo has more substance compared to my daily mundane musings. =)