Friday, June 06, 2008


Steve’s cousin sent us an email yesterday with a PPS (PowerPoint) file containing pictures of the W Hotel in Maldives. I was really blown away by how beautiful it is. I even searched for it on Google and found some videos on YouTube.


I wonder how much an all-inclusive trip there would cost. I read somewhere that the rooms could cost somewhere between $1700 per night and some rooms, believe it or not, could cost up to $20,000 per night!! But don’t quote me on it because it’s not a fact and I could be wrong. I still haven’t done enough research to find out how much it costs exactly. I just read that off of someone else’s page.

I told Steve about it and he said it would probably cost a fortune and it’s not exactly nearby and we’ll probably be broke with airfare alone. Plus he said that if a Tsunami hit it, we’d have no where to go. Hahaha!

BUT, how can you not want to go to a place like this?!

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