Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Most days I hate having to train clients. But then once in awhile I’m fortunate to get someone who is not only nice and smart but also makes my job so much easier by being generally pleasant and professional. You would think most professionals would have a certain level of professionalism but professionalism is apparently not a common characteristic even with individuals who attended reputable schools and hold such high professions. It always surprises me when I speak to a CEO or a president who is rude and very unprofessional. How do they manage to keep their businesses running I wonder?

People often forget that the only way the other person is ever going to know you is through the sound of your voice over the phone or through your e-mails. They will not spend weekends with you nor be able to witness all the other things you do. So sometimes, that one phone call or that one e-mail you send is all the impression they are ever going to get. It’s your only shot to a giving a good first impression. Regardless of what position you hold within your company, it does NOT and will NEVER be an excuse for your bad attitude.

How often do I find myself either working with or talking to someone who’s obviously had a rough day and is not in the most pleasant of moods? I do understand how difficult it is to do your job being in such a bad state. But being a true professional means leaving your personal problems at the door and putting on your best “work attitude” just as you should leave your work issues at the door when you come home. The entire office does not need to suffer just because you had a bad night. It does not give you the right to yell or be rude to the people around you. If you can’t smile, at least be polite. Be mindful of the people around you who also have personal issues to deal with but come to work not only delivering a good job but also displays the right kind of attitude. True, there are people who are very annoying and who really try your patience but always, ALWAYS try your best to be professional. Try your best to smile, remember to say “please” and “thank you”, be polite, maintain a positive attitude and if you are ever on the phone or writing an e-mail be mindful of the tone you are using.

How easy it is for us to forget that we are dealing with others who are also making a living for themselves, who also have lives to live and personal issues to deal with. How hard is it to do your job and try your best to make someone’s else job easier?

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