Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Today looks like another day full of QA. Not that I’m complaining... I’d pick QA over training ANY TIME.

This being said, I don’t think I will be pursuing training as a career. It just isn’t something I enjoy doing. People have told me to pursue it because I do it well and there’s good money in it. But if every time I have training I feel depressed, doesn’t that tell you I hate it? I mean, what’s the point in doing something you don’t want to do even if it pays well, right?

Anyhow, we celebrated JR’s b-day on Sunday and we were both talking about how old we were getting and how fast time flies and how it certainly seemed only yesterday we were still kids. He said something like, “I imagined me at this age differently…” I laughed because I imagined me at my age differently too. I think everyone does. We all have an image of ourselves several years from now and sometimes we tend to over do it to a point that we get awfully disappointed when we reach that age and we are far from what we had envisioned ourselves to be. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is healthy to have a goal… to want to be something by a certain point in your life. I think it motivates us to make something of ourselves and not just let our lives fly by. But at the same time, I think we should also consider the fact that life is unpredictable and doesn’t always go as planned but it doesn’t mean we’re any less than what we originally thought we were going to be. Yes, it is different but not necessarily bad. Certain hiccups in life actually help us become better people in a lot of ways which may not necessarily be so obvious. There are lessons we’ve learned and lessons we have yet to learn and although our lives are not as grand as we envisioned it would be, it makes us see life in a different perspective.

I’m babbling aren’t I?

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