Friday, June 01, 2007

Out of the Loop

I’m so out of the loop when it comes to Philippine news and gossip. Not that I followed it before anyway but lately I realize when someone mentions a name, a show, some new dance move or a new expression, I feel my eyebrows crease and my whole facial expression turns into one, big, puzzled look. I realize I have no idea what they’re talking about.

And so lately, Google has been my friend, providing me with enough info or at least giving me an idea of what it is. Of course Google can only do so much and it doesn’t really help when you are trying to find out what a certain Filipino expression/slang really means. In fact, Google is only useful for tracking news and a few pictures here and there.

You don’t notice the changes that happen around you, the different little things that evolve and take place and then you move half-way around the world and every little thing is magnified.

Do you realize I have no idea what Big Brother is?!

Embarrassing as it is, I have to admit I am getting pretty slow on some of the goings-on.


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,

Hehe. Try looking for it in YouTube. They're already in their 2nd Season here.

There was a guy in Season 1 whom I resemble, haha.

k a r e n said...

Pao pao!

I know, I should look for it at YouTube. The thing is, I don't have TFC here so I can't watch any of the Filipino shows.

Which guy did you resemble?